Beyond Memos: A Journal of the UMF Faculty

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 1992


Beyond Memos is meant to be just that -- a forum where UMF faculty can share ideas and creative work that go beyond the day-to-day campus routine of teaching, advising, committees, and memos. We welcome submission of anything of general interest: poems, stories, essays, drawings, photographs, interviews, humorous pieces, etc.



3. Wind Cave by Jonathan Cohen

5. ode to the deer by Kathleen Beaubien

6. walking after skating by Kathleen Beaubien

8. To Carol: A Teacher by Doug Rawlings

9. Mutual Awareness in The Scarlet Letter by Allen Flint

13. Veterans' Day: 1992 by Doug Rawlings

14. The Path Not Taken: Keys to the Liberal and Conservative Mind by Roy Van til

16. The Far World Comes Back by Rod Farmer

17. An Accounting by Elizabeth Cooke

4, 8, 13, 15, 16. Celtic Knot Drawings by Maggy Wyckoff

7. Self-portrait by Kathleen Beaubien

11, 19. Photographs by Philip Carlsen

Wind Cave.pdf (253 kB)
Wind Cave by Jonathan Cohen

ode to the deer.pdf (34 kB)
ode to the deer by Kathleen Beaubien

walking after skating.pdf (66 kB)
walking after skating by Kathleen Beaubien

To Carol.pdf (49 kB)
To Carol: A Teacher by Doug Rawlings

Mutual Awareness.pdf (527 kB)
Mutual Awareness in The Scarlet Letter by Allen Flint

Veterans' Day.pdf (55 kB)
Veterans' Day: 1992 by Doug Rawlings

The Path Not Taken.pdf (187 kB)
The Path Not Taken: Keys to the Liberal and Conservative Mind by Roy Van Til

The far world comes back.pdf (52 kB)
The Far World Comes Back by Rod Farmer

An Accounting.pdf (341 kB)
An Accounting by Elizabeth Cooke



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