Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 1993
Beyond Memos is meant to be just that -- a forum where UMF faculty can share ideas and creative work that go beyond the day-to-day campus routine of teaching, advising, committees, and memos. We welcome submission of anything of general interest: poems, stories, essays, drawings, photographs, interviews, humorous pieces, etc.
Recommended Citation
University of Maine at Farmington, "Beyond Memos: A Journal of the UMF Faculty, Volume 5, Number 2, Spring 1993" (1993). Beyond Memos: A Journal of the UMF Faculty. 8.
A Hideous Howling Wilderness by Dean Bennett
СЛИВИ.pdf (266 kB)
СЛИВИ by Mike Orenduff
2 poems.pdf (72 kB)
Two Poems by Monica Castillo
Crow Searching.pdf (325 kB)
Crow Searching by Dona Seegers
Baba Yaga&Berries.pdf (113 kB)
Babba Yaga by Lee Sharkey; Berries by Rod Farmer
Albert Snow Twining.pdf (203 kB)
Albert Snow Twining by Jay S. Hoar
A Great Mystery.pdf (292 kB)
A Great Mystery: Fit Lit. by Alice Bloom
Mountain Shadows.pdf (131 kB)
Mountain Shadows by Elizabeth Cooke
3. A Hideous Howling Wilderness by Dean Bennett
6. СЛИВИ by Mike Orenduff
8. Two Poems by Monica Castillo
9. Crow Searching
13. Baba Yaga by Lee Sharkey
14. Berries by Rod Farmer
15. Albert Snow Twining by Jay S. Hoar
17. A Great Mystery: Fit Lit. by Alice Bloom
19. Mountain Shadows by Elizabeth Cooke
5. Dean Bennett
6*, 14, 16*, 18. Maggy Wyckoff
9-12. Dona Seegers
15 Jay S. Hoar
*with apologies to Ruth and Vincent Megaw in Celtic Art: From its beginnings to the Book of Kells. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1989.