Date of Award


Document Type

Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




This action research study looked at the connections between the frequency of family meal experiences and the self-regulatory capabilities of preschool aged children. Parents of 19 preschool children were surveyed to gain insight into the weekly frequency of family meals and discover how parents assessed their individual child’s capabilities. Within the preschool setting, children’s regulatory abilities were assessed through teacher evaluation of mealtime behavior. Both parents and teachers assessed four types of self-regulatory skills: individual table skills, interpersonal skills, health consciousness, and contributions to their family or school community. It was found that parents place high value on the communal family experiences that occur during family style meals in their homes and prioritize these opportunities for additional time. Children’s self-regulatory abilities both in school and home were not found to differ significantly based on the frequency of family meals experienced on a weekly basis.


Affiliation: Bowdoin College Children’s Center



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