A Summer 2020 Update: Maine Politics in a Time of COVID-19 and Uncertainty1

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2020


This was supposed to be a happy birthday year in Maine. The Pine Tree State was due for one of those big, round number birthdays that everyone likes to celebrate, as it turned 200. There was a special flag created, a new USPS stamp commemorating Maine’s bicentennial, and lots of celebratory events. But nobody had counted on what has dominated 2020 throughout the US: the COVID-19 pandemic. And just like many birthday parties, games, concerts and graduations, COVID-19, and the need for physical distancing it produced, led to the cancellation or postponement of most Bicentennial events (see, for example, Carrigan and Stockford 2020). Not only that, but reactions to COVID-19 became the biggest theme in Maine politics in the first half of 2020.

Publication Title

New England Journal of Political Science
