Tea party talk : the governors
The Tea Party isn’t just influential in Washington, DC. Tea Party political passions, first seen in demonstrations and town meetings, echo through the United States. In many states, 2009 and 2010 voters re-elected or elected new Republican governors with Tea Party backing.
Tea Party activists were blunt in expressing their views and many Tea Party governors, like Chris Christie, echoed that style. Others, like Rick Snyder, had a mellower tone. This book of quotations by two Maine political scientists collects Tea Party governors’ words from mild to wild, from bombastic to cautious, and from harsh to gentle. American politics fans will be entertained by these quotations, but they'll also better understand these 14 governors – Jan Brewer, Sam Brownback, Chris Christie, Tom Corbett, Nikki Haley, John Kasich, Paul LePage, Susana Martinez, “Butch” Otter, Sean Parnell, Rick Perry, Rick Scott, Rick Snyder, and Scott Walker.
Publication Date
Route 2 Writers Press
tea party movement
American Politics
Recommended Citation
Fried, Amy and Melcher, Jim, "Tea party talk : the governors" (2012). Faculty and Staff Books. 46.