Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024


Introduction: Maine is facing a shortage of highly prepared teachers.

Multifaceted Causes of Shortage: Compensation, COVID-19 After effects, Aging Workforce, Working Conditions, Challenges Associated with Teaching in the U.S. (Safety, Politicization of Curriculum, Standards Movement & Loss of Freedom in Instructional Choices, etc.)

Maine Data:

  • Almost 30% of new teachers leave the profession within 3 years (Johnson et al., 2020).

  • 13 different areas and certifications have been identified as teacher shortage areas in 2022-2023, including early childhood, special

    education, elementary education, and subject-level teachers in math and science (ME DOE, 2022)

    Challenges for Teachers:

  • National data shows 91% of practicing teachers report frequent job related stress, reporting the need for more supervisor check-ins, time, and support around student challenges in order to decrease their stress (Will, 2021).

  • Gunn and McRae (2021) found in a Canadian sample that personal and professional factors were equally important in teacher retention for early career teachers. Working in an atmosphere where there is mutual trust and respect, for employers who consider their time and workload and who understand they have a personal life, and with colleagues they can turn to for advice and assistance helps retain them.

    Our work seeks to extend this work and understand what future and new teachers in Maine need and are looking for. Data will also help school districts and superintendents consider how better to attract and retain teachers.


Presentation given during the University of Maine at Farmington's Symposium Day 2024.

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Education Commons



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