Document Type
Publication Date
Winter 1989
Beyond Memos is meant to be just that -- a forum where UMF faculty can share ideas and creative work that go beyond the day-to-day campus routine of teaching, advising, committees, and memos. We welcome submission of anything of general interest: poems, stories, essays, drawings, photographs, interviews, humorous pieces, etc.
Recommended Citation
University of Maine at Farmington, "Beyond Memos: A Journal of the UMF Faculty, Volume 1, Number 1, Winter 1989" (1989). Beyond Memos: A Journal of the UMF Faculty. 1.
Farber and Mr. White - Patricia O'Donnell
Wedding p.5.pdf (37 kB)
Wedding - Carla Wyckoff
untitled p.6.pdf (67 kB)
Untitled - J. Thomas R. Higgins
SmearedRabbits p.7-8.pdf (184 kB)
Smeared Rabbits, Etc. - Paula Widmer-Wynn
Silhouette p.9.pdf (44 kB)
Silhouette - Rod Farmer
PortraitYoungManOldMan p.10.pdf (79 kB)
Portrait of a Young Man/Old Man - R. Keith Rendall
PoetryOfEarth p.11.pdf (34 kB)
The Poetry of Earth - Rod Farmer
WhenIInventedButterflies p.12-14.pdf (294 kB)
When I Invented Butterflies - Carmen Naranjo, translated from the Spanish by Linda Britt
DearFriendsAndFamily p.15-16.pdf (185 kB)
Dear Friends and Family - Roy Van Til
1. Farber and Mr. White -Patricia O'Donnell
5. Wedding - Carla Wyckoff
6. Untitled - J. Thomas R. Higgins
7. Smeared Rabbits, Etc. - Paula Widmer-Wynn
9. Silhouette - Rod Farmer
10. Portrait of a Young Man/Old Man - R. Keith Rendell
11. The Poetry of Earth - Rod Farmer
12. When I Invented Butterflies - Carmen Naranjo, translated from the Spanish by Linda Britt
15. Dear Friends and Family - Roy Van Til