Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1989
Beyond Memos is meant to be just that -- a forum where UMF faculty can share ideas and creative work that go beyond the day-to-day campus routine to teaching, advising, committees, and memos. We welcome submission of anything of general interest: poems, stories, essays, drawings, photographs, interviews, humorous pieces, etc.
Recommended Citation
University of Maine at Farmington, "Beyond Memos: A journal of the UMF Faculty Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 1989" (1989). Beyond Memos: A Journal of the UMF Faculty. 2.
In Praise of the King Cobra -Alice Bloom
Five Poems p.6-9.pdf (724 kB)
Five Poems - Doug Rawlings
Drawing p.10.pdf (81 kB)
Drawing - Maggy Anderson
Dance&BirthdayGreeting p.11-15.pdf (2625 kB)
The Dance - Carol Wycoff and Birthday Greeting - Philip Carlsen
DJ'sShortCareer p.16-18.pdf (349 kB)
The DJ's Short Career - A. Bruce Dean
TheCloning p.20-21.pdf (137 kB)
The Cloning of Shakespeare's Young Man - J. Karl Franson
DownTheUpscaleRoad p. 22-23.pdf (231 kB)
Down the Upscale Road - William G. Sayres
horses&cow.pdf (265 kB)
Equestrian and Cow Photographs - Marilyn Shea
Included in
Creative Writing Commons, Illustration Commons, Photography Commons
3 In Praise of the King Cobra - Alice Bloom
6. Five Poems. -Doug Rawlings
10. Drawing. - Maggy Anderson
11. The Dance. - Carol Wyckoff
15. Birthday Greeting - Philip Carlsen
16. The DJ's Short Career. - A. Bruce Dean
20. The cloning of Shakespeare's Young Man. - J. Karl Franson
22. Down the Upscale Road. - William G. Sayres
5, 12, 19, 23. Equestrian and Cow Photographs -Marilyn Shea